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Cecilia Stuart

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Doug Ford isn’t there for Ottawa when it matters most

June 1, 2022

Ontario Greens Ottawa region candidates Nira Dookeran (Ottawa South) and Steven Warren (Ottawa West-Nepean) made the following statement:

OTTAWA — Ontario Greens Ottawa region candidates Nira Dookeran (Ottawa South) and Steven Warren (Ottawa West-Nepean) made the following statement:

“Doug Ford isn’t there for Ottawa when it matters most.

Ford is ignoring the residents of our city. He’s offered zero support to people, small businesses, or the municipality in the wake of last week’s devastating storm. Over a week later, some of our neighbours are still without power and many have damaged property. Small businesses are suffering and food banks have been put under enormous strain.

In fact, instead of offering support, Doug Ford is making Ottawa even more vulnerable to the next climate-fueled extreme weather event.

He’s continuing to destroy the nature that protects us from extreme weather, is ramping up climate pollution which will worsen the climate crisis and make these types of storms more likely, and is threatening our food security by paving over the farmland that feeds us.

And when Doug Ford finally did come to Ottawa, he ignored the impacts of the storm, and instead focused on his plan to increase car-dependent sprawl by widening Highway 417, which will only make the climate emergency worse.

There is a sense of urgency to this campaign. This election comes at a critical time. We face a climate crisis that others simply deny or offer up half measures to.

While Doug Ford stayed silent, Mike Schreiner and the Greens offered real solutions:

And when small businesses in Ottawa were struggling due to the disruption and threat of the occupation, Schreiner led the way on calling for immediate financial assistance to the downtown small businesses that are forced to remain closed.

There’s a reason that local small businesses owner Stewart Cattroll said that, amongst all the party leaders, Mike Schreiner has been the most passionate and steadfast in his support of the people and businesses of Ottawa during a very challenging year for the city.

But Doug Ford just doesn’t care. Mike Schreiner has, and will continue to be there for the people of Ottawa to build a more climate-ready, safe, prosperous, and caring community.”
