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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner the clear winner at historic Ontario leaders' debate

May 16, 2022

Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner cut through the noise and static of the old-line parties as he made history at tonight’s leaders’ debate.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner cut through the noise and static of the old-line parties as he made history at tonight's leaders' debate.

This was the first time the Ontario Greens were represented onstage at the major Ontario leaders’ debate. And Schreiner led the way and disrupted the status quo by offering new solutions to the old problems facing Ontarians.

“It is now or never to address the climate crisis,” Schreiner said, who was notably the only Leader to highlight the climate emergency in the entire debate. “That’s why we can’t let Doug Ford pave over our future.”

Schreiner outlined his vision for a more caring, connected and climate-ready Ontario.

“We need affordable homes, not expensive highways like Highway 413 and the Holland Marsh Highway (Bradford Bypass) that will make land speculators rich and life more expensive for the rest of us.”

Schreiner criticized Doug Ford’s license plate gimmick, which was supported by the NDP and Liberals, from draining billions away from health care, education and housing. Ontario Greens were the only party to stand up for real solutions and vote against this blatant election gimmick.

We need new solutions to old problems,” Schreiner said. “Not the same half measures and gimmicks that the old-line parties are offering.”

“Mr Ford, have you talked to a nurse lately?” Schreiner questioned the Premier, in reference to the wage-capping Bill 124. “If you want to build health-care capacity, you have to invest in the people that are the backbone of the system.”

“I urge you to vote Green. For the leadership we need and for the Ontario you want.”
