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Schreiner highlights Ontario Greens’ real plan for real action on climate and housing at RU Democracy Forum
January 25, 2022

TORONTO — This evening, Mike Schreiner highlighted the Ontario Greens’ plans for real action on climate and housing at the RU Democracy Forum hosted by Martin Regg Cohn.
The Ontario Greens are the leading party against Doug Ford’s anti-climate agenda at Queen’s Park. “I’ve never seen a Premier systematically dismantle environmental protections like Doug Ford has and completely take us backwards on climate action,” Schreiner said this evening.
“The science is telling us that the half measures of the other parties simply aren’t enough. We have a real plan for real action on climate that’s honest and achievable.”
Schreiner also highlighted how the Ontario Greens’ plans for climate and housing will address people’s affordability concerns. “Climate change and housing are the two top affordability issues facing this province,” Schreiner said.
“By taking bold action on climate, we can help people save money on their grocery, energy and transportation bills. We can build connected communities that are livable and affordable.
“That’s why I’m opposed to Doug Ford’s mega-highway projects like Highway 413 that would pave over farmland and force people into unaffordable lifestyles commuting long distances.”
“We need more collaboration and less partisanship in Ontario politics,” Schreiner concluded. “Ontario Greens are always willing to put people before politics and work across party lines to improve the lives of Ontarians.”