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Cecilia Stuart

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More needs to be done to protect children from COVID-19

October 5, 2021


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the new rapid testing program in target schools and licensed child care centres:

“I’m relieved the government is finally implementing a rapid testing program at schools.

But it shouldn’t have taken this long. Once again this government is late to the game.

I’ve been calling for rapid testing for months as part of the Ontario Greens’ Safe Schools Plan.

It makes sense to put a fire out before it spreads.

Ontario has only used 6 million of the 20 million rapid tests it received from the feds.

The government should reinstate the free rapid testing program for school-aged students at pharmacies that it cancelled in the spring.

Doug Ford needs to pull out all the stops so kids can stay safe and schools can stay open.

One third of all cases in the province are currently among school-aged children.

Along with rapid tests, that means immediate investments in lower class sizes, mandatory vaccinations for education workers and detailing and preparing for a plan to vaccinate children under 12 once the vaccine is approved.”
