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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner calls for urgent action on anti-Islamophobia

June 9, 2021


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement:

“This week, along with all of Ontario and Canada, I am grieving for the loss of the family that was targeted by a white supremacist terrorist in London.

It is sickening that they were attacked because of their faith. It is sickening that four lives have been lost to hate and left a young boy orphaned and injured.

My heart goes out to the Afzaal family and their loved ones.

Islamophobia and hate has no place in Ontario.

It is our responsibility to stand up against rising levels of white supremacy.

And it is the responsibility of all governments to take action to ensure that another tragedy like this never happens again. Thoughts and prayers are not enough.

I support GPC Leader Annamie Paul’s call to action. And I’m calling on the Ford government to support calls for a comprehensive national anti-Islamophobia strategy that includes:

  • Increasing funding and support for education and awareness events, such as the Muslim Soceity of Guelph’s Building Bridges Across Communities event
  • Updating law enforcement codes to include a specific law against hate crimes
  • Immediately create a taskforce to determine how best to crack down on movements that promote anti-muslim discrimination and hate

We need urgent action to address the anti-Muslim hate that motivated this horrific targeted murder.

This attack has not only shaken the Muslim community, but many people from racialized communities are now in fear of taking a walk with their families. And that cannot continue. We must act now to stop the hate.”
