
We’re all in this together

In unprecedented times, political differences must be put aside to keep people safe. Mike Schreiner and Ontario Greens want urgent and united action against COVID-19.

Our Priorities.

  • Aggressive testing and contact tracing
  • Responsible public health measures
  • PPE for all workers who need it
  • Urgent assistance for long-term care homes
  • Rent and income relief for people and small businesses
  • Additional help for the most vulnerable


This crisis has reminded us what really matters: clean air, the health of loved ones, and a safe place to call home. The recovery from COVID-19 should put Ontario on a better path - one that cares for elders, respects workers and protects the planet.

Let’s restart our economy with a Basic Income Guarantee so that no one falls through the cracks or is left behind when emergency strikes. Let's reshape our neighbourhoods with more public transit, bike lanes and park space while creating thousands of green jobs to fight climate change.

Our Green Recovery Principles

Cooperation & Accountability

As Ontario’s Green MPP, Mike Schreiner has been working across party lines to ensure timely action on the COVID-19 pandemic. He has helped pass emergency legislation that provides urgent relief while holding the government accountable and pressuring them to do more.

Watch Mike Schreiner at Queen's Park

Making a difference during COVID-19

Mike worked hard to secure the following changes to help people through the pandemic.

Read more about Green successes

Reopening Community Gardens

We led the charge to exempt community gardens from closure and deem them an essential food service. With our advocacy they were permitted to open with physical distancing measures.

Saving Small Businesses from Eviction

For months, we called on the government to ban commercial evictions so that restaurants, cafes, and barbershops could survive the temporary shutdown. In June, they finally listened.

Restoring Environmental Protections

Environmental oversight was partially suspended during COVID-19. After we raised the alarm and demanded an explanation, the government restored the normal decision-making process.

Restarting Essential Surgeries

Mike’s advocacy helped get answers for thousands of people whose essential medical procedures were put on hold. Following his letter to the Health Minister, a plan was released to resume these surgeries.

Pull Together. Stay Apart.

The best thing you can do to protect yourself and others is to stay home.
Follow these other tips:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly and often
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow
  • Contact your physician or public health unit if you have symptoms

More info at ontario.ca/covid19