
Our COVID-19 Policy Proposals

Where They Stand

As Ontario Green MPP and party leader, Mike Schreiner has worked hard and across party lines to secure the following changes to help people through the pandemic.

Re-open community gardens

After they were initially closed, we led a campaign for community gardens to be deemed an essential food service, permitted to open with safe distancing guidelines. Our petition ultimately worked.

Status: Green Success

Read our petition

Save small businesses from eviction

With one-third of Ontario small businesses facing permanent closure, Mike Schreiner led the charge at Queen’s Park to secure a commercial eviction moratorium and fix the rental assistance program for small businesses.

Status: Green Success

Read the press release

Restore full environmental protections

Greens sounded the alarm when the Ford government partially suspended the Environmental Bill of Rights, removing mandatory public consultation on environmental decisions. After multiple letters from Mike Schreiner, the government restored protections and promised transparency.

Status: Green Success

Read Mike’s letter

Pause construction to keep workers safe

When the government allowed construction sites to continue operating despite the rapid increase of COVID-19 cases, Mike Schreiner called for a 1-2 week pause of all activity so that physical distancing measures could be implemented.

Status: Green Success. The government halted non-essential construction.

Read Mike’s proposal

Raise social assistance and disability rates

With low-income Ontarians and people with disabilities disproportionately affected by COVID-19, by not fully eligible for CERB, Mike Schreiner called on the Social Services Minister to boost their rates and end clawbacks of emergency income.

Status: Still working on it. The Minister has only partially ended CERB clawbacks and not boosted rates.

Read our call to action

Boost hospital capacity to restart essential surgeries

Mike was inundated with concerns from Ontarians whose essential medical procedures were put on hold during the height of the pandemic. After Mike advocated for more hospital resources, the province released a plan to resume surgeries.

Status: Essential non-COVID surgeries have resumed.

Read Mike’s letter

Improving access to PPE

At the beginning of the pandemic, when gloves, masks and other PPE were in short supply, Mike Schreiner echoed the call from medical professionals for priority access for the front-line workers who need it most.

Status: Access to PPE has begun to improve.

Read Mike’s letter

Emergency money for municipalities

Mike Schreiner amplified the call from Ontario’s large urban mayors who are asking for urgent provincial funding to offset the massive loss of revenue at a time when cities are also shouldering additional burdens to help vulnerable populations.

Status: The government has announced $250 million in funding, which is not enough.

Read Mike’s proposal

Funding to help small businesses go digital

Mike Schreiner endorsed a call from downtown business associations across Ontario to scale up funding for a program that helps small businesses improve digital services and stay viable during these challenging times.

Status: The government increased funding for the Digital Main Street program.

Read the statement

Overhaul long-term care

We are calling for a complete overhaul of long-term care to put the dignity of seniors ahead of cost-cutting and profits. Mike Schreiner supports a full public inquiry, with an immediate injection of $1.8 billion to increase minimum standards of care and hire more nurses and personal support workers.

Status: The government has announced a government-controlled commission and has not announced increased funding for long-term care.

Sign our petition

Limit LTC staff to one home

When other jurisdictions were getting ahead of outbreaks in long-term care by limiting staff movement, we called on the Premier to take the same urgent action, while guaranteeing wage compensation for staff.

Status: After weeks of delay, PSWs were finally limited to one facility.

Read our statement

Expand eligibility to Pandemic Pay

With one-third of hospital employees excluded from COVID-19 wage top-ups, Mike Schreiner advocated for the pandemic pay to be extended to staff at private facilities, midwives, lab technicians and all frontline health workers.

Status: Eligibility has not been expanded.

Read the release

Boost funding for childcare

When the Ford government announced that childcare centres could re-open, it did so without announcing any new funding to comply with public health regulations, passing the costs onto providers and parents. Mike Schreiner called for immediate funding.

Status: $200 million has been announced for social services as a whole, but there has not been dedicated funding for childcare to ensure that providers can survive.

Read Mike's statement