

For a greener and more caring Ontario

Ontario has been through a lot since the COVID pandemic first started. Some of you have lost loved ones, lost jobs, or have suffered mental health impacts among other things. And our hearts go out to you. Ontarians are resilient and we will bounce back together. The question is how we will do it.

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COVID-19 has put our world on pause, forcing us to re-examine the way we live, work and play.

The path we were on was not sustainable. It didn't adequately care for the people and places we love.

The choices we make today about how to reboot our lives will shape how we live for generations to come.

This is our moment to build back a Green and Caring Recovery.

This crisis has reminded us what really matters:

  • our health and those of our loved ones;
  • clean air and locally grown food;
  • front-line workers and care providers;
  • and a safe and affordable place to call home.
Grocery stores workers

Respect for workers

solar panels

Good Green Jobs

basket full of fresh tomatoes

Support Local Food

modern condo building

Affordable Housing

local coffee shop owner

Small Businesses

Support a Green Recovery

The path we were on was not sustainable or just. The old path did not adequately care for the people and places we love. So let’s choose a different path.

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Grandmother with adult daughter and grandchild riding bikes

Principles for a Green and Caring COVID-19 Recovery

People working together is what’s getting us through this pandemic. Together we can build back an even better Ontario. The Green Party of Ontario offers a set of principles to guide our recovery from COVID-19.

Toronto Subway TTC Depot servicing a fleet of subway trains

Climate action & green jobs

We can build better homes and create thousands of jobs with a green retrofit program for public buildings, homes, apartments and small businesses. And by investing wisely, Ontario can become a leader in EV manufacturing and low pollution travel.

Reimagine our cities and neighbourhoods

We can reshape our neighbourhoods to make it easier to get around, whether walking, cycling or taking public transit, to provide access to park space, and to get a handle on soaring housing prices so that everyone can afford a roof over their head.

Protect local food & water

By protecting forests, farmland, and wetlands, we ensure that local food continues to grow and water continues to flow. Nature is our best defence against floods, storms and other climate threats.

Care for our children

Children need safe spaces to learn and grow. And parents won’t be able to return to work if they're anxious about the safety of their kids. Let’s invest in schools and childcare so reopening doesn’t put our children at risk.

Restore dignity for elders

The long-term care system must be overhauled to put care and compassion over profit. We need at least 4 hours of care per day, and to increase wages for PSW.

Support local independent businesses

We need a government that supports small businesses and non-profits and help them get back on their feet safely. People want to Buy Local. Let's make sure they can.

Uphold our new respect for workers

It’s time to show real respect for working people. They deserve to be paid fairly and get paid sick leave. We need to raise the minimum wage and get rid of sick notes.

Basic Income Guarantee

We must ensure that everyone can afford to put food on the table and that no one falls through the cracks. We can plug the gaps in our social safety net with a Basic Income.

Rebalance health care

Covid-19 put enormous strain on our healthcare system. Let’s take this chance to focus on primary and community care, on illness prevention and on mental health.

Racial Justice

Tackling systemic racism must include dramatic changes to how we ensure community safety so that we protect racialized lives, and build trust and equality across Ontario.