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Mike Schreiner statement on masks

April 7, 2022

Mike Schreiner made the following statement on masks:

QUEEN'S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement on masks:

“Keeping Ontario open and keeping people healthy requires us to follow the science.

And the science tells us that masks continue to be an important layer of protection against COVID-19.

Public health experts are calling for mask mandates in high-risk settings and for essential services, like grocery stores, pharmacies and schools, as cases and hospitalizations continue to rise significantly across the province.

Ontario Greens support these calls, along with calls for improved ventilation in indoor settings — we know that COVID-19 is airborne — and expanded testing.

Ontarians across the province are seeing friends, family, and colleagues get sick. People are looking to the Premier for direction and guidance, but he’s missing in action.

We need clarity and answers, not more confusion.”
