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Ford government subsidizing hydro bills for Ontario’s wealthiest

February 5, 2024

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the provincial Electrification and Energy Transition Panel’s recommendation that the Ontario Electricity Rebate be refocused in light of evidence that it disproportionately benefits Ontario’s wealthiest.

“For years, Greens have called on the government to stop subsidizing the hydro bills of Ontario’s wealthiest.

The Financial Accountability Office has estimated that the Ontario Electricity Rebate, which disproportionately benefits high-income homeowners, will cost taxpayers $45.4 billion over the next two decades.

Think of how that money could be used to make life better for everyday Ontarians.

Ontario Greens reaffirm our call to repair this broken system by reallocating that money to reduce energy poverty and invest in efficiency programs that help people save money by saving energy.”
