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Cecilia Stuart

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Doug Ford is spending billions on energy subsidies for the wealthiest

October 19, 2021

Ford’s promise to clean up the hydro mess is turning out to be a boon for the most wealthy. This current system is unfair.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding today’s FAO report on home energy spending:

“Today’s report confirms that the province is spending billions on energy subsidies that benefit the wealthiest Ontarians the most.

Ford’s promise to clean up the hydro mess is turning out to be a boon for the most wealthy.

The fiscally responsible solution is to provide hydro bill relief to people with low and modest incomes who need the help the most, and to rural areas and First Nations where the costs of home energy are most expensive — not to wealthy households in the GTA.

This current system is unfair – it only broadens inequality between wealthy households and everyone else.

And given that we are in a climate emergency, we need to focus our attention on helping households reduce energy costs with efficiency upgrades and heat pumps that replace fossil fuel use. This is better for the environment and for our bottom line.”
