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Cannabis changes should support small business – not corporate giants

January 16, 2024

GUELPH — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Ford government’s recent regulatory changes that increased the cap on the number of stores a licensed cannabis company can operate in the province from 75 to 150.

“Ontario Greens have always supported the licensing and regulation of private cannabis retailers as the best way to eliminate the underground market and create another economic development tool for our communities.

But the Ford government’s recent regulatory changes have small business owners sounding the alarm over fears the move will help big companies get ahead while leaving small businesses out to dry.

We cannot allow corporate giants to monopolize this fledgling industry.

Ontario Greens stand with small, Ontario-owned businesses that fuel their local economies and create prosperity within their communities. We strongly believe that cannabis legislation should be designed with communities in mind – and supporting small business is an essential part of this.”
