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Schreiner reconfirms Ontario Greens’ support for National Council of Canadian Muslims’ Our London Family Act

February 24, 2022

Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner joined the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) to reconfirm his support for the NCCM’s Our London Family Act.

QUEEN'S PARK — Today, Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner joined MPP Hunter of the Ontario Liberals and CEO Mustafa Farooq of the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) to reconfirm his support for the NCCM's Our London Family Act.

If passed, the act would legislate a number of important steps to combat Islamophobia in Ontario. The proposed legislation is supported by the Ontario Greens, the Ontario Liberals and the Ontario NDP.

“The only way we can take concrete action is if we put politics aside and make real progress on tackling hate and Islamophobia here and now with legislative action,” Schreiner said in a joint news conference with Hunter and Farooq.

“Ontario Greens are fully committed to working across party lines to eradicate the rise of Islamophobia, white supremacist movements and hate in this province. This is bigger than politics and needs a united front.”

Schreiner was also joined by Mohammed Fakih of Paramount, Omar Farouk, President of IMO mosque, Maaz Abowath, Board of Scarborough Muslim Association (Jami Abu Bakr mosque), Saboor Khan, friend of London’s Afzaal family and Muslim Association of Canada – London Chapter Head, and Imam Abdalfatah Twakkal, Canadian Council of Imams, London.
