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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario Greens denounce antisemitic incidents in Toronto schools

February 23, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner and Deputy Leader Abhijeet Manay made the following statement in response to recent antisemitic incidents:

“Ontario Greens unequivocally denounce the disturbing antisemitic acts that have occurred recently at Toronto schools.

News of students performing Nazi salutes and depicting swastikas is completely unacceptable and needs to be addressed.

It’s part of a deeply troubling trend of rising antisemitism in Toronto and across Ontario.

We must do better to educate students by funding anti-hate and anti-discrimination courses and curriculum to ensure these antisemitic and hateful acts do not take place again.

Ontario Greens stand with the Jewish community across Ontario and our thoughts are with them during this difficult time.”
