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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford’s refusal to listen to experts as fourth wave escalates is a recipe for disaster

August 13, 2021


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding surging COVID cases:

“We’ve experienced over 500 cases in Ontario for two days in a row. The fourth wave is escalating, and Dr. Juni warns that we could see as many as 1,200 new cases per day by September.

So why isn’t Doug Ford listening to the calls from the public health experts?

We know what’s needed to avoid the worst of the fourth wave:

  • Mandatory vaccines for education and healthcare workers to protect the most vulnerable including children under 12
    Vaccine certificates
  • A robust, accessible and convenient testing system to track and control outbreaks
  • A last-mile vaccination strategy to reach the vaccine-hesitant and break down access barriers, including paid sick leave for vaccines and recovery

Doug Ford is again failing to listen to the experts when it comes to COVID-19. The Premier has a responsibility to safeguard the health and safety of all Ontarians, especially those who are ineligible for a vaccine. Failure to act will only endanger more people, and risk more small businesses shutting down and more schools closing.”
