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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford must protect teachers, students, and staff

April 6, 2021

We all want students in schools. But Ford’s half measures are failing to contain COVID. The Premier needs to show leadership by delivering a transparent plan.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding Ontario’s schools:

“Ford’s lack of leadership is causing chaos and confusion for families once again.

Ford cannot turn a blind eye to rising COVID-19 cases, which are making our schools unsafe for students and educators.

It’s time for the Premier to step up and close schools this week in hotspot regions, as well as open up vaccinations for teachers and support staff.

Ford must stop abdicating leadership to local PHUs at a time when we need a coordinated plan to keep students, teachers, and staff safe.

The Premier owes it to families and educators to provide advance notice regarding school closures so people can plan their lives.

We all want students in schools. But Ford’s half measures are failing to contain COVID.

Top doctors in hard-hit regions have been calling for decisive action from the Premier for weeks. Their goal is to keep their communities safe and the government’s job is to help them do that.

Ford needs to stop with his failed half measures and show leadership by delivering and communicating a transparent plan to protect our teachers, students, and staff.”
