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Ensuring the safety of our kids depends on reducing community transmissions
February 3, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding this afternoon’s announcement from Minister Lecce:
“We all agree that students need to return to in-class learning.
The current lockdown and school closures have been extremely hard on families and on the mental health of parents and children.
We need a clear plan for deployment of rapid tests as well as reduced class sizes so students can safely physically distance. We know the resources and funds are there — so Premier, I urge you to use them.
We want a plan that is transparent and avoids further school closures.
And that depends on ensuring that community transmissions are reduced. The Ford government needs to ramp up contact tracing, testing, and workplace safety to prevent further outbreaks in hotspot regions.
To prevent outbreaks in our schools, we need to make the surrounding communities safe as well.”