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Cecilia Stuart
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Ford’s “watered-down” school policies need to end
January 25, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement on the return to school for some Ontario school boards:
“Today more than 100,000 students return to in-class learning in regions outside the GTHA.
I sympathize with the parents and teaching staff that may be feeling a bit anxious and hoping that the schools are safe.
Since the winter break, the Premier and Minister Lecce had an opportunity to make schools safer. Instead, they wasted precious time and chose to stick with their ‘watered-down’ reopening policies.
The Premier and Minister are gambling with the health of our children.
They are choosing not to listen to parents, teachers, education staff and medical experts who have called for a safe return to school that includes: improved ventilation in classrooms, reduction in class sizes so students can physically distance, and increasing rapid tests.
Children learn best in a classroom environment.
The Ford government has a responsibility to ensure that no expense and no safety precaution is spared in a safe return to school.
It’s time the Premier and Minister stood up for parents and ensured the safety of our students.”