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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner supports early return to the Legislature

January 4, 2021

I support recalling the Legislature now to pass legislation such as paid sick days to help slow the spread of the virus.

GUELPH — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in regards to recalling the Legislature early:

“From day one of the pandemic I have been calling for an all-party effort to respond to this unprecedented public health crisis.

While the Ford government was willing to work across party lines during the first wave, that has sadly not been the case during the second wave.

I support recalling the Legislature now to pass legislation such as paid sick days to help slow the spread of the virus.

We all need to work together to re-evaluate the government’s pandemic response and determine what more can be done. COVID cases continue to rise, and we need to act now to avoid a longer lockdown.

The Ford government needs to answer for the humanitarian crisis in long term care homes and why they haven’t made a formal request to the federal government for assistance.

Instead, the Premier and his cabinet have been distracted with their party members flouting their own public health rules.

Enough is enough. It’s time to get back to working together.”
