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Cecilia Stuart

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Residents in long term care facilities need help now

December 23, 2020

The Premier has not delivered on his promise to build an iron ring around long term care facilities.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to the growing outbreak at a Scarborough nursing home:

“I’m very saddened to hear the news coming out of Tendercare Living Centre in Scarborough. When a doctor is calling for military intervention – we can all imagine how dire the situation must be.

The Premier has not delivered on his promise to build an iron ring around long term care facilities.

Our elderly residents in long term care are there because they need help. The Ford government needs to do everything possible to provide that help. Enough is enough.

We are knee-deep in the second wave of this pandemic and every day that passes is another day that proves the Ford government failed to act on the lessons learned during the first wave.

We’ve had recommendations from the military, from a commission, from countless health professionals and still the Ford government failed to utilize the summer months to build the promised iron ring, hiring more staff and paying them a living wage.

I call on the Premier to answer the calls for help coming from long term care facilities and help prevent more unnecessary deaths.”
