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Cecilia Stuart

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Premier waited for three months to act on long-term care

October 5, 2020

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QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after it was revealed that the Premier was warned about COVID-19 in long-term care in January:

“Shame on the Ford government for treating elders in long-term care as an afterthought during this pandemic. And shame on them for continuing to do so today when our seniors deserve so much better.

I am disgusted that they waited for three months to heed the warnings from the long-term care sector that a tragedy was on the horizon.

This testimony confirms that the Ford government had a role in the preventable tragedy in our nursing homes.

They waited until the outbreaks were already out of control to start taking action.

It’s no wonder the Premier wants to keep this commission’s work under wraps. He doesn’t want his own actions put under the microscope.

It’s even worse that they didn’t learn from the first wave and are just now scrambling in a last-gasp attempt to hire front-line workers when Ford had all summer to act.

The iron-ring the Premier talks about is more of a catchphrase than a reality.”
