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Mike Schreiner calls for permanent wage increase for all PSWs

October 1, 2020

No PSW should be making poverty wages during this pandemic or after we get through it.

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement:

“The Premier is making a last-minute dash to shore up long-term care homes after sitting on his hands for months.

No PSW should be making poverty wages during this pandemic or after we get through it.

I am calling on the Ford government to implement a permanent and universal wage top-up for personal support workers in all sectors, including home-care, hospitals and long-term care.

I am also calling for PSWs in long-term care to be guaranteed full-time hours at one facility so they don’t have to run between jobs to make ends meet.

The problems in long-term care didn’t start with this pandemic and we need the solutions to be permanent.

We cannot fully protect our elders until we start respecting those who care for them.

If the Premier truly values the work of PSWs then he will make permanent and meaningful changes that allow them to lead dignified lives.”
