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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario enters Stage 3 reopening

July 13, 2020

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QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement after the Ford government announced Stage 3 reopening for Ontario:

“Securing a safe place for kids to be Monday to Friday should be a higher priority than allowing people to crowd into bars and restaurants.

The Premier is forgetting that workplaces are staffed by working parents who cannot leave their children unattended.

We are still without a sound plan for education or new funding for childcare providers to implement COVID-19 safety protocols.

A failure to invest in childcare and education solutions will dampen the recovery and hurt women the most.

I am also concerned that we have not been updated about Ontario’s contact tracing strategy since the highly touted app failed to launch.

The Premier is opening the door to a second wave if he loosens public health restrictions without beefing up investments in contact tracing efforts.

People want to move to Stage 3, but if we are going to do it safely, the Premier must show leadership on how we will keep people safe.”
