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Province should revoke guidance that puts farm workers at risk
July 3, 2020

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released this statement about the ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks on farms in Windsor-Essex:
“We need consistent health guidance to keep all workers safe, regardless of where they work or where they are from.
Migrant workers should not be asked to put their health and the health of others on the line when they test positive for COVID-19.
The province is repeating the mistakes it made in long-term care when it allowed asymptomatic staff to stay on the job after testing positive for COVID-19.
Migrant workers are essential to our food system and deserve to be treated with the same dignity and respect as other workers who test positive for the virus.
The Premier should revoke this reckless guidance and instead give farm workers quarantine pay and a safe place to isolate if they test positive.”
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