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Cecilia Stuart

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Green victory: A ban on commercial eviction for small businesses

June 8, 2020

I am glad the government has made a 180 degree turn after telling us for months to ‘wait-and-see’

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after it was announced that Ontario would be banning evictions on some small businesses:

“I first want to thank the Premier for finally listening to the business community and using the tools that have always been at his disposal to prevent evictions.

I am proud to have been a leading voice on this issue, with multiple statements in the legislature and written requests to the government.

I am glad the government has made a 180 degree turn after telling us for months to ‘wait-and-see’ how things played out, leaving small businesses at the mercy of landlords.

This ban on evictions is essential for saving our downtowns and ensuring that it is not just the Amazons and Walmarts of the world that survive COVID-19.

While it is unfortunate that small businesses had to endure months of uncertainty and anxiety, I am relieved that this measure is finally happening.”
