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Cecilia Stuart

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Schreiner to support emergency legislation

March 18, 2020

“In times like this, politicians must put partisanship aside to unlock support and assistance for people.

For weeks I have been urging the government to reintroduce the workplace protections that it eliminated back in 2018.

I am encouraged that the government is putting forward legislation to ensure workers do not lose their jobs if their health is impacted by this pandemic or they need to stay home to care for a family member.

In recent days, federal and provincial governments have introduced measures that I support, including emergency financial payments, business wage subsidies, and a freeze on evictions and student loan repayments.

I look forward to a short, but fulsome debate tomorrow on how we can work together to support Ontarians.

These two pieces of legislation might not cover everything that is needed, but I will be voting in favour of them.

And I will continue advocating for additional measures to support people, businesses and nonprofits through legislation, policy and funding.

We all need to work together to support each other.”
