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Schreiner calls for child care stabilization funding
April 29, 2020

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement after the province expanded childcare for essential workers:
“I fully support expanding the list of people who can access free child care to include grocery clerks, truck drivers and other essential workers at this time.
We need to make things as easy as possible for the workers keeping essential services running while we get COVID-19 under control.
But the province has yet to enact a plan to help stabilize the child care sector as a whole, which is reeling from COVID-19.
I am very concerned that when parents go back to work, the child care options for their children simply won’t be there.
Child care providers have told me they face permanent closure without government help to stabilize a precarious financial situation.
Like other non-profits or businesses, child care programs need assistance to cover their fixed costs while their revenues have evaporated.
The province should step in with stabilization funding so that child care programs are ready with open doors when the province reopens.”