
1. Submit your Proposal

This entails filling out the online form and completing all required fields. Please check the current Policy Book* to ensure your proposal is not already an existing policy. Don’t forget to familiarize yourself with the definition of a policy statemwent.

Deadline: August 23rd, 2024 5pm EDT.

* Policy Book Access: Have a look at the GPO’s Policy Book Overview. To access the full policies for a given section, please email admin@gpo.ca a request with the section name and number.

Please note – Members are limited to submitting one policy each. To participate in the policy submission process you must be a member in good standing (meaning your membership has been active for at least 2 weeks). As the deadline to submit policy ideas is August 23rd, the deadline to become a member and participate in the policy submission process is Friday, August 9th!

2. Committee Review and Feedback

The Policy Committee will check each proposal to ensure it satisfies the submission requirements. Each author will receive notice and be informed of the status of their proposal. 

Please ensure you have consulted the current Policy Book and your proposal is a Policy Statement. And please follow the directions on the submission form to ensure your submission is successful.

The feedback will include one of two things:

  1. This proposal satisfies all the submission criteria and can proceed through the process. If you choose, the Committee will provide advice on how best to do this.
  2. This proposal does not satisfy the submission criteria. The reasons will be explained and are most likely because the Policy Statement already exists or that the proposal doesn’t satisfy the definition of a Policy Statement.

Deadline: The review period will be completed by August 30th, 2024.

3. Comment and Sponsorship Period

Members will be encouraged to review and provide feedback on draft Policy Statements in an online forum from September 6th – 16th, 2024.

Authors can also take this time to find the required sponsors.

All Policy Statements must be authored by a member in good standing and be sponsored by:

  • Fifteen (15) additional members in good standing, as well as
  • One (1) Policy Committee member, OR one (1) Shadow Cabinet member OR 5 additional members in good standing

The final submission deadline for your Policy Statement including all sponsors is 5pm EDT on September 20th, 2024. All Policy Proposals need to be finalized and include all the required sponsors in order to continue through the process.

Note: at any time the Committee may suggest edits to your Policy Proposal for clarity and ease of understanding.

4. Member Ranking

Starting on October 11th, 2024, GPO members in good standing will have a chance to rank their top 10 draft Policy Proposals to determine which will be considered at the Convention.

As there is limited time for the consideration of resolutions at the Convention, resolutions will be considered in order of ranking.

To make sure that there is robust participation and broad representation of Policy Proposals at the AGM, please encourage members that you know to participate in the ranking!

Deadline: November 4th at 5pm EDT

5. Voting at Convention

If your Policy Statement is ranked in the top 10, it will be on the list to be presented at the Convention.

As the author, you will be asked to briefly introduce your Policy Statement. It will then be discussed and voted on. Read more about the debate and voting process at Convention.

6. Celebrate!

If your Policy Statement passes at Convention – congratulations! It will now become a part of the GPO Policy Book and inform direction for our MPPs and candidates.

If your Policy Statement doesn’t pass at Convention, take heart. You’ve done a lot of work to get this far and you can either incorporate feedback you have heard and try again another year; or decide that you’ve added to the strength of the GPO by facilitating good discussion.

In either case, thank you for all your efforts.


Ways to Participate in Policy Statement Development

Help the Committee by offering assistance

If you have an area of expertise or interest and would like to offer assistance to the Committee please email policy@gpo.ca.

Help the authors by giving feedback

Have a look online at the submitted Draft Policy Statements from September 6th to 16th, 2024 and give feedback to the authors.

If you like a draft Policy Statement, you can help it get to convention by adding your support as a sponsor.

Help choose which Policy Statements matter most

Rank the top 10 Policy Statements that you think are most important to discuss at the 2024 Convention via an online ballot sent out October 11th, 2024. Make sure you participate by the November 4th, 2024 deadline.

Discuss, learn and vote at the 2024 GPO Convention

Join us November 8-10, 2024!

You’ll hear updates from our Green Caucus, including Leader, Mike Schreiner, and Deputy Leader, Aislinn Clancy, hear the results of our Provincial Executive elections, and vote on Policy Statements

Policy Process Changes From 2020

In 2019, members voted to make this process even easier for you to get involved.


  • Improve ease, efficacy, and inclusiveness of the process
  • Improve the quality of the output
  • Empower all members to participate
  • Encourage diversity and member collaboration
  • Encourage Policy Statements that are inclusive and represent all Ontarians

Major Changes

Each Submitter will develop their Policy Proposal

The Policy Process will no longer have an option for members to submit ideas for the Committee to develop. Instead there will be opportunities throughout the year, via workshops, zoom meetings and/or Slack conversations for members to share and discuss ideas. This facilitates a greater opportunity for collaboration, proposal development and increased member participation.

Policy Committee may select an additional 5 Proposals

In addition to the ten proposals selected during the Member Ranking Period, the Policy Committee may select up to five additional proposals. This is done to ensure the Policy Book is comprehensive and contains Policy Statements addressing all issues affecting our province and its people. A maximum of 15 Policy Proposals will be presented at the Convention.

Reminder: Members develop Policy Statements

A Policy Statement “is defined as a principle-based statement which does not contain any specific strategy or tactical statement, but provides direction to the Leader, Issue Advocates and Party Members of Provincial Parliament.”


How do I submit a Policy Statement?

The GPO has an established process where any current member can submit a Policy Statement Proposal.

Please take a look through the current Policy Book to check if your proposal is already an existing policy. If not, would it be best dealt with by making an amendment to an existing policy? or would it be a new Policy? What section of The Policy Book would your proposal fall under?

You must submit your Policy Proposal using our webform or by emailing policy@gpo.ca before 5PM EDT on August 23rd, 2024.

We strongly suggest you use our webform to ensure your Policy Proposal is submitted correctly. You may contact policy@gpo.ca if you have any further questions.

Where do I find the Policy Book?

Have a look at the GPO’s Policy Book Overview. To access the full policies for a given section, please email admin@gpo.ca a request with the section name and number.

What is a Policy Statement?

“Policy Statement” is defined as a principle-based statement which does not contain any specific strategy or tactical statement, but provides direction to the Leader, Issue Advocates and Party Members of Provincial Parliament.

What are the required components of a Policy Statement submission?

All required fields need to be populated using the webform on the GPO website. Members are strongly encouraged to connect with the Policy Committee prior to submission if you have any questions. If you require assistance, you can email policy@gpo.ca.

Do I need to gather sponsors and develop policy myself?

You can seek help and feedback by contacting our Policy Committee. Or, the Committee will contact you if you submit your Policy Statement using the form.

The Committee is responsible for leading the review of policy resolutions prior to submission, and will provide, at the member’s request, reasonable support and guidance to facilitate a member completing a Policy Statement.

The Committee may also develop the Policy Statement Proposals that best meet the current and emerging needs of the Party.

The Committee’s resources include direct access to Shadow Cabinet and members who have expressed interest in reviewing policy. Members are encouraged to take advantage of these resources as they increase the likelihood that your Policy Statement will receive enough sponsors and pass at the convention.

What are the deadlines?

Submission deadline for proposals*

August 23rd, 2024 at 5pm (the deadline to become a member and participate in the policy submission process is Friday, August 9th)

Submit your proposal

Committee gives feedback to idea authors

August 30th, 2024

Draft statements published, ready for comment and deadline to become a member and sponsor a Policy Statement

September 6th, 2024

Comment period open (10 days)

September 6th – 16th, 2024

Finalized Policy Statement and sponsorship deadline

September 20th, 2024

Ballot for PE elections and Policy Statement Ranking

October 11th to November 4th, 2024


November 8th-10th, 2024

*Note you are not required to have sponsors by August 23rd at 5pm, but you must submit your draft proposal by this date.

Following a review and comment period, final resolutions that include required sponsors must be received by September 20th at 5 pm.

It is advised that you start the development process early to ensure that you have enough time to make revisions and gather sponsors.

Is my Policy Statement approved as long as I submit it?

Submission of your Policy Statement Proposal on time, with sufficient sponsors, and with the Committee’s approval, will ensure that the Policy Statement is on the ranking ballot that will go to all members.

The top 10 member ranked Policy Statements will be considered at the Convention.

How can I help ensure my policy is passed?

A policy resolution that is highly relevant, well researched, and consistent with our values, will likely receive enough sponsors and rank highly on the resolution ranked ballot.

Sharing your policy among members in advance and attending the convention will also be helpful.

The submitter, or a designant, should be prepared to answer questions about the resolution at the convention. A compelling introduction to the floor, and due diligence in advance of the convention, increase your chances of success considerably.