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Cecilia Stuart

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Clancy: Province must shut down chemical plant endangering Aamjiwnaang First Nation

April 22, 2024

KITCHENER — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that dangerously high benzene levels have been detected near the Aamjiwnaang First Nation for weeks.

“No one in Ontario should be subjected to the kind of toxic air contamination that has become day-to-day life for the residents of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation.

For far too long, Liberal and Conservative governments have allowed manufacturers in Chemical Valley to pump out toxic air contaminants that pose serious health risks to the surrounding communities.

Allowing this kind of environmental racism to persist in our province is absolutely shameful, and it must come to an end today.

The Ford government must respond to the Aamjiwnaang First Nation’s concerns immediately – not with more studies or reports, but with firm action to close the INEOS Styrolution plant.”
