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Shortening winter road season puts northern First Nations in peril

February 12, 2024

KITCHENER — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader and MPP for Kitchener Centre Aislinn Clancy released the following statement in response to news that warm winter temperatures have left many northern First Nations cut off from an essential winter road network.

“Over and over, we are seeing how the climate emergency disproportionately affects First Nations in Ontario.

Last summer, it was the record-breaking wildfires that raged across the north for months. Now, it’s the constant shortening of the winter road season that remote communities rely on to transport critical supplies.

Yet in the midst of this crisis, the Premier is still ploughing ahead with his full-frontal attack on climate action.

This is a matter of environmental injustice. Doug Ford needs to wake up and take action on the climate emergency.

That means working directly with First Nations to help move critical supplies, giving communities the tools they need to adapt to the realities of climate change and investing in the renewables that will power our future.

Ignoring the realities of climate change is costing the people of Ontario. ”
