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“Together, we’ll paint Kitchener Green again”: All eyes on Kitchener Centre at Ontario Greens’ annual convention

September 24, 2023

KITCHENER — The looming Kitchener Centre byelection was at the forefront of discussion as Ontario Greens leader Mike Schreiner addressed a packed room of party members at the party’s annual convention.

“This is a critical moment to send a message to Doug Ford,” said Schreiner. “We have a chance to double our impact at Queen’s Park by electing Aislinn Clancy as Kitchener Centre’s MPP.

“Aislinn will be a strong voice for Kitchener at Queen’s Park. She is a compassionate leader, a committed community member, and has a bold vision for building a more caring, connected, and climate-ready Kitchener. She’s a parent, a social worker, a city councillor, and a kind person who really cares about her neighbours and her community.”

Schreiner highlighted the early successes of Clancy’s mobilizing efforts. “I’ve never seen a campaign like this one,” he said.

“We were the first party to nominate a candidate. The first to have a campaign office. The first to knock on every single door in the riding. We did that with people power, and it’s that same people power that’s going to win this election and force Doug Ford to reverse course.

“People are tired of empty promises from governments who don’t deliver. They need someone who will put Kitchener first, and I know that Aislinn is that person.”

Following Schreiner’s address, he and Clancy joined volunteers for an all-out foot canvass across Kitchener Centre – the largest mobilization effort in Clancy’s campaign to date.

“In just a couple of hours, we knocked on hundreds of doors and listened to the concerns of people who are tired of the status quo,” said Clancy.

“There’s a real desire for change, and we’re ready to provide the leadership Kitchener needs to address the housing affordability crisis and build a caring community.”
