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Ontario Greens candidate Lucia Iannantuono leading the charge to stop Hamilton sprawl

February 15, 2023

HAMILTON — With voters in Hamilton Centre set to go to the polls on March 16, Ontario Greens candidate Lucia Iannantuono is renewing her call to protect the city’s surrounding farmlands, wetlands and green spaces from Doug Ford’s expensive pro-sprawl agenda.

Iannantuono, an active member of Hamilton’s climate action movement, says the city urgently needs Green voices at Queen’s Park to champion sustainable development that puts people first.

“Hamilton has spoken loud and clear – we don’t want sprawl. We want to keep our urban boundary where it is to create affordable homes within the city,” said Iannantuono. “We want to make sure that everyone has an affordable place to call home, that everyone can walk or transit to the things they need right in their neighbourhood, and that communities like Hamilton are climate-ready through investments in green infrastructure.”

Said Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner: “Lucia Iannantuono recognizes that Hamilton is on the frontlines of the fight against urban sprawl. It’s a city facing so many connected challenges: housing affordability, farmland loss, air and water pollution – issues that won’t be solved by paving over the land we rely on for food and flood protection.”

As Hamilton Centre’s Green candidate, Iannantuono is focused on building a more caring, connected and climate-ready Hamilton that leaves nobody behind. This includes:

  • Building missing-middle and affordable housing on vacant land inside Hamilton’s urban boundary instead of paving over farmland and wetlands.
  • Creating public greenspace and community gardens across the city and investing in retrofits and upgrades needed for climate adaptation.
  • Stopping all new fossil fuel infrastructure and enforcing strict limits on air and water pollution to protect the health and well-being of people in Hamilton.
