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Ontario Greens renew call for marine mammal captivity to end

December 21, 2022

The captivity of whales and dolphins and using them for entertainment needs to end.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens Leader and MPP for Guelph, Mike Schreiner, made the following statement after the animal cruelty charges against Marineland have been stayed citing that prosecuting the charges would not be in the public interest:

“The captivity of whales and dolphins and using them for entertainment needs to end.

It has been a criminal offence since 2019 to use whales and dolphins in performances for entertainment. To learn that Marineland is not only not being held accountable for their actions, but that they also shamelessly continue to have “educational” presentations with belugas and dolphins advertised on their upcoming season is distressing.

These marine mammals are highly intelligent beings that should not be held captive for personal entertainment.”


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