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Greens have real solutions to clean up the patronage appointment mess of the old-line parties
May 15, 2022

TORONTO — Ontario Greens have real solutions to the old problem of patronage appointments that plague the old-line parties.
In 2019, Leader Mike Schreiner tabled a motion at Queen’s Park with 7 key recommendations to clean up the mess of patronage appointments:
1. Fix the appointments process to include merit-based criteria
2. Standardize transparency measures
3. Make results of Integrity Commissioner investigations public
4. Add a public complaints and investigation process
5. Strive for diversity and gender parity
6. Strengthen appointment process for Special Advisors and short-term Advisory Bodies
7. Establish a Committee to reform the appointments process
“Instead of politics-as-usual where parties use the public purse to create cushy jobs for their family, friends, supporters and donors, Ontario Greens have a plan to fix the system and restore trust in government processes,” Schreiner said.
“The old-line parties have had their chance. It’s time to put people before politics.”
“On June 2nd, vote for transparent and honest leadership. Vote Green.”