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Schreiner holds other leaders’ feet to the fire at FONOM Northern Leaders Debate
May 10, 2022

NORTH BAY — Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner proved that he has the vision and thoughtful leadership this province needs to put people first at the FONOM Northern Leaders Debate.
“It’s now or never to address the climate emergency and the cost of living crisis that threatens the northern way of life,” Schreiner said. “We have to act now, we cannot afford to wait.”
“It’s time for new solutions to old problems.”
Schreiner was notably the only leader to discuss the climate emergency and the urgent solutions we need to tackle it. He also highlighted that he’s the only leader committed to doubling ODSP rates to bring people with disabilities out of legislated poverty.
Schreiner’s presence shook up the dynamics on the debate stage, cutting through on a broad range of issues from the climate crisis to mental health to nursing to transportation and housing affordability. He showed that the Ontario Greens have real solutions to the challenges facing the people of the North.
“When I talk to people in the North, they tell me that they need better access to health care, better education, affordable housing and improved transportation. That’s what Ontario Greens are offering. But the other parties want to blow over a billion dollars a year on election gimmicks like licence plate stickers.”
Ontario Greens were the only party to vote against Doug Ford’s licence plate sticker election gimmick.
“The old-line parties are fighting for power,” Schreiner said. “We are fighting for you. Every great idea starts with a few people seeing a better way forward. I hope on June 2nd you see that Ontario Greens are leading that way.”