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More climate disaster highways through the Greenbelt are not the answer to transportation
March 10, 2022

QUEEN'S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to this morning's announcement from Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney on the Greater Golden Horseshoe transportation plan:
“Doug Ford’s transportation plan will pave over our children’s future.
Highway 413 and the Holland Marsh Highway are climate and fiscal disasters. Yet today, Premier Ford and Minister Mulroney doubled down and said the two multi-billion dollar Greenbelt highways are a ‘critical part’ of their transportation plan.
Doug Ford thinks that the road to the future should supercharge expensive sprawl, ramp up climate pollution, pave over farmland and wetlands, and pollute Lake Simcoe.
He has it completely backwards.
Just last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the bleakest warning to date on the impacts of the climate emergency.
We need to urgently crush climate pollution and protect the nature that protects us from climate disasters like flooding.
That means building livable and affordable communities that are connected by clean, accessible transit. Not more expensive sprawl. Doug Ford will make your life more expensive and pave over the places we love.”
For more information on the Ontario Greens’ Roadmap to Net-Zero climate plan: