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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario must support Bearskin Lake First Nation now

January 5, 2022

Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement following Bearskin Lake First Nation’s declaration of a state of emergency.


TORONTO – – Ontario Greens Leader Mike Schreiner released the following statement following Bearskin Lake First Nation’s declaration of a state of emergency and request for deployment of Military Personnel:  

“With nearly 50% of the remote community now infected by Covid-19, Ontario must act on the outbreak with the urgency it requires.

The health of Bearskin Lake First Nation is in a dire state and the operations of the community are on the brink of collapse. They need assistance from all levels of government and should not have to beg for it.

The Premier cannot pass the buck to the Federal government and must begin work to ensure that adequate healthcare staffing, food supplies and PPE are provided immediately.

Further support is also needed for all First Nations served by the Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority that has moved into a regional lockdown.

This isn’t a time to wait for the Federal government to swoop in. Ontario needs to ensure that this community now crippled by the Covid-19 virus is given a fighting chance to weather this storm.”
