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Cecilia Stuart

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Ontario Greens call for expanded booster eligibility

November 29, 2021

With news of the omicron variant, it’s critical that the Ford government immediately expand booster eligibility to all Ontarians aged 40+.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner made the following statement in response to Dr. Moore’s press conference this morning:

“With cases increasing across the province and news of the omicron variant, it’s critical that the Ford government immediately expand booster eligibility to all Ontarians aged 40+.

We have the supply and resources. Let’s use it.

COVID-19 is an airborne virus and Ford needs to take all the necessary public health measures to protect Ontarians:

  • Provide N95 masks for workers in higher-risk settings, like health care, LTC and education (along with students)
  • Vastly improve ventilation and air quality in all congregate settings
  • Mandatory vaccinations for education and health care workers

The news of omicron also shows how shortsighted Ford’s arbitrary deadlines to end vaccine passports and masking were.

Public health restrictions should be based on data, not arbitrary dates or politics. We all want to move beyond the pandemic, but patience, caution and evidence-based decisions are key.

It’s time to stick to the science and listen to the advice of the experts and public health officials, so we can protect all Ontarians — in particular those in higher-risk situations.”
