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Ford needs an all hands on deck approach for the pandemic
December 21, 2021

TORONTO – Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Moore’s COVID-19 update:
“This week’s hunger games for vaccines is a blaring example of the consequences of delayed action from the Ford government.
The science and health experts have been clear for months on what Ontario could face in the winter months, meaning the province had months to prepare. Instead, Doug Ford delayed in deploying free rapid tests or expanding booster eligibility, thus creating the chaos we’re seeing now.
This pattern cannot continue. Ontario needs to do better. We need to be ramping up testing, tracing, and vaccinating in ways that are equitable, accessible, strategic and stress free.
Premier Ford should be working across party lines for an all hands on deck approach.
Ontario Greens have been calling for:
- N95 masks to be made available for everyone in high-risk settings, especially those in health care, education, grocery store workers and transit, as well as for people receiving ODSP
- Mandating vaccines for all healthcare and education workers
- Rapid tests to remain free, widely accessible and equitably distributed
- A mass information campaign that #COVIDisAirborne
- Ventilation and air quality upgrades in all congregate settings
- Permanent Paid Sick Days
- A clear plan for school reopenings in January
Ford needs to ditch the dithering and do everything possible to avoid any further restrictions.”