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Mike Schreiner statement on Remembrance Day

November 10, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement for Remembrance Day

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement for Remembrance Day:

“On Remembrance Day, the Ontario Greens express our sincere, heartfelt gratitude for the service and sacrifice of our veterans and first responders.

We must never forget.

Especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms, our democracy and our way of life.

We owe veterans and their families our gratitude and our commitment to care for them.

On the 100th anniversary of the poppy, it is an honour to represent Guelph, the birthplace and home of Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae whose famous poem In Flanders Fields is one of the most quoted WW1 poems.

It’s hard to imagine how much courage it took to brave the trenches.

How much courage it took to serve in both World Wars, Korea, Afghanistan and numerous Peacekeeping missions.

And the bravery of the first responders, who don’t hesitate to go into danger to protect and serve us.

War and conflict touches all of us deeply and across generations. Several of my family members, including my grandfather and father-in-law, served.

We all continue to benefit from the sacrifices of veterans. And we must honour their service.

To the veterans and first responders of this province and country, thank you.

Lest we forget. Today and Everyday.”
