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Cecilia Stuart
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We need action, not just words, on LTC
June 29, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding long-term care (LTC) in Ontario:
“The Ford government failed to keep long-term care residents safe during the pandemic. Minister Phillips’ apology rings hollow unless it is accompanied with concrete action to improve the status quo.
Thousands of elders lost their lives and many more suffered since the outbreak of COVID-19 over a year ago. A bad situation was made worse by negligence and a failure to act from this government.
Taking action means making a full commitment to prioritize care over profits and to implement recommendations from the LTC COVID-19 Commission and other reports to improve care for elders.
It means making pandemic pay permanent for PSWs and investing in better working conditions for staff.
And it means hiring more staff and committing to a minimum of four hours of care for LTC residents now, not four years from now.
Talk is cheap if action is not taken, and I will continue to push this government to improve the living and working conditions in our province’s LTC homes.”