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Cecilia Stuart

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Where is the plan for safe schools?

June 21, 2021

Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the lack of a plan for safe schools:


TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding the lack of a plan for safe schools:

“When it comes to schools, the Ford government’s complete lack of urgency is appalling. And it’s unacceptable.

The clock is ticking. There’s only two months left before September and let’s not forget about the many 11-month schools that will start classes in August.

So where’s the plan for safe schools?

Students, parents and educators have already suffered so much. They need to be assured that there will be in-person learning.

But instead of taking the steps to ensure schools are safe for the fall, Ford and Lecce are pushing a hybrid learning model that no one wants.

Last summer, Ford sat on funds, failed to make the necessary investments to make schools safer and instead opted for a campaign tour around the province. We can’t afford the same mistakes.

I’m calling on Doug Ford to release a plan for safe schools that includes:

  • Investments to improve ventilation
  • Capping class sizes at 15
  • More and higher quality PPE
  • Robust rapid testing
  • Ensuring all teachers and eligible students are fully vaccinated by September

Ford needs to stop taking shortcuts on the well-being and mental health of kids and needs to announce a plan for getting children safely back in schools. Immediately.”
