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Cecilia Stuart

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Province should provide guidance for regions on school reopenings

May 26, 2021


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement on getting kids back in the classroom:

“While regions like Ottawa are ready to get kids back in the classroom, Ford is still short of a plan for how that might happen.

Today, Dr. Etches said that COVID-19 levels are low enough in Ottawa for schools to open safely.

But Ford has failed to provide guidance on benchmarks and metrics to reopen schools.

If cases, vaccinations, and community spread meet targets established by the Science Advisory Table, local health officials should be allowed to make the call for schools to reopen.

Ford’s pattern of leaving regions and local public health units to figure things out on their own must stop.

The Premier has a responsibility to make decisions and set targets so regions across Ontario can make decisions accordingly.

It’s also on the provincial government to provide targeted support for the hardest hit regions. These hard hit regions have large numbers of frontline workers and racialized communities who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

These students also deserve to be back in the classroom with their peers and Ford needs to make the necessary investments so schools are safe for students and staff.”
