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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford should open safe outdoor spaces

May 13, 2021

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding outdoor spaces:

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding outdoor spaces:

“This past year has shown the critical role science plays in tackling the COVID-19 public health crisis. And science is telling us that safe outdoor recreation is important.

Dr. Juni of the Science Table is clear that low-risk outdoor activities should be allowed.

It’s important for people’s mental and physical health to be able to get outside and be active in the fresh air.

And we know that children and people who lack access to greenspaces or backyards are being disproportionately impacted by these closures.

Instead of banning safe outdoor recreation facilities, Ford needs to make high-risk workplaces safer, with measures like 10 paid sick days, mandated PPE and rapid testing, and more workplace inspections.

It’s time the Premier followed the science and focused on areas where we know the virus is spreading. I’m urging Ford to open outdoor spaces deemed safe now.”

