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Greens welcome Federal EA but prefer cancelling expensive highway plans
May 3, 2021

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in anticipation of possible federal intervention in the Highway 413 and Holland Marsh Highway EA process:
“While significant time and money could be saved by simply cancelling Highway 413 and the Holland Marsh Highway, Greens welcome a federal environmental assessment.
By fast-tracking these two ill-advised and destructive projects, it is clear that Premier Ford has no intention of protecting our greenspaces.
Both these highways would pave over environmentally significant and sensitive areas and farmland, and put local ecosystems at risk. All while increasing sprawl and ramping up GHG emissions.
These highways will add to the climate crisis and rip up farmland at a time when the health and food security of this province are absolutely vital.
We need to invest in transportation infrastructure to meet the needs of Ontario’s growing population, but we need to do it through smart, affordable and electrified transit — not reckless highways.
This past year has tragically shown the disastrous consequences of disregarding science in the face of politics, and I’m urging the Ford government to not make the same mistake again.”