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Ontario needs transparency and accountability from Ford
April 21, 2021

QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding reports that Premier Ford is in isolation after a workplace COVID-19 exposure:
“I hope the Premier’s staffer who has tested positive recovers quickly. And I hope the Premier and anyone else who has been exposed are well. I’m relieved that the Premier tested negative.
I urge the Premier to use this time to reflect on all the workers who do not have the same privileges he does right now.
And even in isolation, we need the Premier to be transparent and publicly explain why the government is not taking action to make workplaces safe.
Many essential workers cannot afford to stay home or work from home.
Paid sick days are crucial for workers who need to stay home when they feel sick, they’ve been exposed, they need to be tested, or they need to go get vaccinated.
These are the essential workers that are driving our economy, our heroes. And the fact the Premier completely disregards their health and wellbeing is just sickening to me.
Ontario is in crisis — worse than anything we’ve seen before in recent history.
We need the Premier to be accountable for his decisions and to focus on implementing the advice given by the health and science experts.”