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Cecilia Stuart

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Ford’s disregard for wetlands endangers all of us

March 5, 2021

Greens will continue to lead the fight against Ford’s reckless attacks on the environment and call on the govt to remove the permit and save Duffins Creek.


QUEEN’S PARK — Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to the government’s issuing of a permit to destroy the Lower Duffins Creek wetland:

“Ford’s blatant disregard for wetlands and ignoring the pleas of local residents endangers all of us.

I am disgusted that Premier Ford has ordered the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to issue a permit to allow developers to destroy the Lower Duffins Creek wetland in Pickering.

Lower Duffins Creek is a provincially significant wetland that plays a vital role in cleaning drinking water and protecting our homes from flooding.

Instead of catering to reckless developments, Ford needs to make decisions that benefit people and our province’s future.

This decision is especially irresponsible since the city of Ajax has clearly indicated that there is appropriate land already zoned for warehouse development in the area.

I will continue to lead the fight against Ford’s reckless attacks on the places we love and call on the government to remove the permit and save Lower Duffins Creek.”
