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Another flip-flop from a government failing on housing

October 23, 2023

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens leader and MPP for Guelph Mike Schreiner released the following statement in response to news that the Ford government will reverse official plan decisions in Barrie, Belleville, Guelph, Hamilton, Ottawa and the City of Peterborough, the Regional Municipalities of Halton, Niagara, Peel, Waterloo and York, as well as Wellington County.

“Today, we saw yet another flip-flop from a government that has wasted years lining speculators’ pockets instead of providing real solutions to the housing crisis.

For two years, this government has poured their time, money and energy into helping well-connected insiders cash in on sprawl.

Meanwhile, so many Ontarians can’t even make rent, let alone think about purchasing a home.

This government is spiralling out of control. For months now, Ontarians have been bombarded with last-ditch reversals and half-hearted apologies that have more to do with protecting the government’s image than solving the housing crisis.

As a result, we’re years behind where we should be. Ontarians have had enough.

Ontario Greens put out a masterclass housing plan more than two years ago. The government and other opposition parties are welcome to steal our solutions – it’s time to get busy building more homes for everyone in affordable, connected communities.
