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Cecilia Stuart

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Stop destroying Ontario’s wetlands

February 2, 2021

The Premier needs to stop his attack on our wetlands and Conservation Authorities. We need to build back smarter with a Green Recovery.

TORONTO — Mike Schreiner released the following statement regarding Ford’s gutting of Conservation Authorities and World Wetlands Day:

“On World Wetlands Day, I’m calling on the Premier to stop his attack on our wetlands and Conservation Authorities.

We know that it is far cheaper to protect existing wetlands than to pave over them and pay for the consequences.

Conservation Authorities are on the front lines of flood mitigation. They protect our wetlands from reckless and dangerous development and keep our communities and homes safe. Because when we pave over our wetlands, water has nowhere else to go except for our streets and into our basements.

Ford needs to stop working for the favour of his deep-pocketed donors and start listening to the voices of everyday Ontarians.

We need to build back smarter with a Green Recovery — and that means protecting our wetlands and natural spaces. Nature is our best defence against floods, storms and other climate threats. Doug Ford sees this as red tape. I call it protecting the places we love.

Premier Ford needs to take his hands off the wheel and stop bulldozing over the pleas from Ontarians who want to protect our wetlands, our greenspaces and our communities. Repeal Schedule 6 now.”
