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Mike Schreiner defends conservation authorities

November 29, 2020

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CAMBRIDGE — This morning Mike Schreiner held a press event in downtown Cambridge, on the banks of the Grand River, to urge the Ford government to cancel changes to conservation authorities that will put Ontario at greater risk of flooding.

“For the past few weeks I’ve been hammering the Ford government for their proposed changes to conservation authorities through Schedule 6 of Bill 229,” said Schreiner.

“And I’m not alone, nor are the conservation authorities, as the list of municipalities asking this government to cancel its rollback of flood protection is growing by the day.

Conservation authorities are on the front lines of flood mitigation. They protect our wetlands from reckless and dangerous development and thereby protect our communities, our homes and lives.

By changing the rules on conservation authorities, this government is knowingly putting public safety at risk by flushing decades of smart planning down the drain.

When you pave over wetlands and greenspace, stormwater has nowhere to go but our streets and basements. I wish the Premier would understand this.

But he’s too busy scoring points with his developer friends and the rest of us will pay the price.”

Mike was joined by local Cambridge Mayor Kathryn McGarry and Regional Councillor Helen Jowett, who serves as Chair of the Grand River Conservation Authority.

Tell your MPP to let conservation authorities do their work.
